Saturday, October 7, 2017

We coordinate the AMUSE project

AMUSE is an Erasmus+ EU Funded Project.

AMUSE project is being developed by a multi-sectorial team, including researchers from the two participating universities (IRTIC Institute at Universitat de València and Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bath), teachers and families from the four schools involved (three from Spain: Mare Nostrum School at Valencia, Gabriel Pérez Cárcel at Murcia, Aucavi Foundation at Madrid; and one from Turkey: and Maresal School at Konya) and continuous training institutions from regional governments (CEFIRE from the Regional Government of Valencia, Spain, and Konya Il Mem from Turkey).

From AMUSE Team we consider that autistic people must have the opportunity to gain access to a wide range of education modalities, so that the alternatives available are flexible enough to match different learning profiles. Autism Units integrated within mainstream schools are a very valuable alternative and, with AMUSE project, we want to promote the interchange of good practices from teachers and other professionals working in this area. We fully respect other modalities of schooling and we appreciate very much the work developed by professionals working on them, when autism specific provision is guaranteed and when inclusion is fostered.

AMUSE will produce three main results:

O1: A website for interchange of good practices between professionals (this website).

O2: A MOOC Course for spreading good practices for autism units. A link to this massive open online course will be included here when it becomes available.

O3: A research study to determine the profile of students who benefit the most from this model of schooling. A link to the research paper will be included here once it has been published.

You can find out more information about the project here.